ROB ZOMBIE y MARILYN MANSON se insultan en su gira compartida

La gira Twins Of Evil Tour, que une a ROB ZOMBIE y MARILYN MANSON en Estados Unidos, está dejando un campo abonado para el odio entre los dos artistas. En el show que ofrecieron las bandas el 12 de octubre en el DTE Energy Music Theater de Clarkston, Michigan, los rockeros dedicaron tiempo a tirarse los trastos a la cabeza durante las actuaciones.

Manson habría alegado ante sus fans que su set había sido acortado en el tour por Zombie, y declaró "Voy a patearle el culo". Posteriormente, en su cuenta de Twitter publicó “perdón a Chicago por no tocar ‘Beautiful People. Podéis cantarla entre las canciones de Zombie, su banda ya lo ha hecho", aludiendo a sus ex compañeros Ginger Fish y John 5 que tocan ahora con Rob Zombie.

Zombie, en el show de Michigan, dedicó varios mensajes a su compañero de gira: "Algunos tours simplemente no pueden ir juntos de ninguna puta manera" y que Manson ni siquiera había intentado "patearle el culo" tras su concierto.

El enfrentamiento siguió adelante y Zombie intercaló en su versión del "School's Out" de ALICE COOPER frases como "cómemela Marilyn Manson" y "Que te jodan, Marilyn Manson", llamándole Brian varias veces por el auténtico nombre de Manson, Brian Warner. Este fue el momento:

Rob Zombie comentó posteriormente en Facebook lo ocurrido:

"Sólo para dejar claros los rumores. Ni yo ni nadie trabajando para mí acortó el show de Manson. Es una gira en la que los dos somos cabezas de cartel y tocamos exactamente el mismo tiempo todas las noches. Es todo muy simple, pero si uno de nosotros elige salir más tarde por cualquier razón, ese tiempo tiene que salir de su propio set. Así es como se trabaja, y es como siempre se trabaja. No hay un plan malvado. Es todo un completo sin sentido".

Todavía quedan 27 conciertos en la gira Twins Of Evil Tour, y cualquier cosa podría pasar.

Is there trouble brewing on the co-headlining Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson Twins of Evil tour only nine shows in? According to sources at the show last night (Oct. 12) at the DTE Energy Music Theater in Clarkston, Mich., the two rockers took up valuable time during their sets to publicly hurl verbal assaults at each other in front of their paying fans.

According to, the animosity stemmed from Manson feeling his set was cut short by Zombie on the tour. “I’m going to kick his ass,” Manson reportedly said towards the end of his set after telling the crowd that he wished he had time to play more songs.

Manson also seemingly referenced this issue on his Twitter account after the Oct. 11 Chicago show, saying, “Sorry to Chicago for not getting to play ‘Beautiful People.’” You can sing it in between Zombie songs, his band has already played it,” possibly alluding to the fact that his former bandmates Ginger Fish and John 5 now play with Zombie.

Marilyn Manson then posted a video on Twitter later that night of he and guitarist Twiggy Ramirez performing ‘Beautiful People’ at their after-party in Chicago; fans can check it out here.

Back to the show in Michigan, Zombie took the stage after Manson with his own message for his co-headlining ‘friend,’ saying, “Some tours just don’t f—ing go together.” According to those in attendance, he also told the crowd Manson didn’t even attempt to “kick his ass” during intermission.

But it didn’t stop there, Zombie allegedly interlaced his cover of the Alice Cooper classic ‘School’s Out’ with some harsh words for Manson yelling out choice phrases like “Suck it Marilyn Manson” and “F— You Marilyn Manson” throughout. He also called Manson ‘Brian’ a few times, referring to his birth name Brian Warner. Video footage of the song can be seen below.

Rob Zombie took to his Facebook page today (Oct.13) to comment on the drama:

Just to clear up the rumors flying around. Neither I nor anyone working for me made Manson cut his show short. It is a co-headliner and we both play the exact same set length every night. It is all very simple, but if one of us chooses to go on late for whatever reason that time will have to come out of their set. That just the way it works, that is the way it always works.

There is no evil plan going on. It is all complete nonsense.

Shortly after that post, he followed it up with a more detailed account:

As stupid as this all is, I feel I must clear things up a little better. First off, I want to thank all the fans who came out in the freezing cold in Detroit last night. It was a total blast as always.

Unfortunately things turned ugly backstage. Why? I don’t know, but for some reason our touring partner decided to end his set by blaming me for something that I had nothing to do with and screaming he was going to “kick Rob Zombie’s ass as soon as he got off stage”.

Go figure. I was backstage hanging, watching the show thinking “hey this is gonna be a great night”, when suddenly he starts screaming threats. So strange. I don’t get it. Christ, I’ve known some of his crew for 20 f—ing years and some of his crew used work for me. It’s all good. No one would f— with someone’s show. It is ridiculous.Well, of course I felt the need to respond to the ” kick my ass remark”. Who wouldn’t? Although I wish I had kept it backstage and kept the fans out of it. It is all 4rd grade fight after school nonsense of which I have never dealt with on tour before. Co-headlining tours always go smooth because everything is cut 50/50 and I mean everything. No one f—s with anyone’s show. It is even f—ing Steven.I’ve done it co-headlining tours many times before and have had no troubles. Not with Pantera, Slayer, Alice Cooper, Korn, Megadeth or anyone ever. So I didn’t expect any troubles on this. It seemed like a great idea at the time.But sh– happens. Anyway, sorry to the fans who had to dealt with the embarrassing stupidity of it all. We are all there for the same reasons to give you the best show ever… that’s it.

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